
SEAN Audit Materials

Collected here are some of the materials used in the original SEAN audits. These documents are in Microsoft Word 97/2000 format, further information about viewing these files is available.

  • Audit checklist used by SEAN when making the first visit to assess the ECT Suite.
    seanvis1.doc (Word Version)
    seanvis1.pdf (PDF Version)
  • Audit checklist used by SEAN when making the subsequent visit to assess the ECT Suite.
    seanvis2.doc (Word Version)
    seanvis2.pdf (PDF Version)
  • Audit Checklist used by SEAN for Nursing standards at ECT.
    seanrse1.doc (Word Version)
    seanrse1.pdf (PDF Version)
  • Yellow Form. This is the audit form used by SEAN at entry to treatment.
    seanafm1.doc (Word Version)
    seanafm1.pdf (PDF Version)
  • Green Form. This is the audit form used by SEAN at review or exit from treatment. (1-6 ECTs).
    seanafm2.doc (Word Version)
    seanafm2.pdf (PDF Version)
  • Blue Form. This is the audit form used by SEAN at exit from treatment (7+ Ects).
    seanafm3.doc (Word Version)
    seanafm3.pdf (PDF Version)
  • ECT Record Sheet Cover for Scotland.
    ectcovsc.doc (Word Version)
    ectcovsc.pdf (PDF Version)
  • ECT Record Sheet for Scotland.
    ectfrmsc.doc (Word Version)
    ectfrmsc.pdf (PDF Version)

Includes MADRS Scale (SA Montgomery and M Asberg, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1979, Vol. 134, pp382-389).
1979 The Royal College of Psychiatrists. Individual physicians may download and print out copies for use in their clinical or research work. Aside from this, this scale must not be reproduced, electronically or in print, without authorisation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Includes MADRS Scale (SA Montgomery and M Asberg, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1979, Vol. 134, pp382-389).
1979 The Royal College of Psychiatrists. Individual physicians may download and print out copies for use in their clinical or research work. Aside from this, this scale must not be reproduced, electronically or in print, without authorisation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.